Sum of Each at BHS International Prelims
Sum of Each made a bit of history recently on the Barbershop Harmony Society stage.
Although it might have been an unlucky day for the superstitious among us, Friday the 13th of March 2015 was a big day for our quartet.
For on that day in Harrisburg, PA, Sum of Each became the first ever mixed quartet to sing on-stage at the Mid-Atlantic District International prelims competition.

Sum of Each – 2016 M-AD Mixed Quartet Champs!
Not only that, Sum of each was first ever mixed quartet to sing on-stage at ANY Barbershop Harmony Society competition anywhere in the United States.
It was truly an honor and an exciting event for us. We finished in 4th place in the mixed quartet category that day
However, the next year, we were the M-AD Mixed Quartet Champs!
You can see our two competition songs by clicking here.