Sum of Each

Sum of Each performs on Fox43 News

Sum of Each performs on Fox43 News YORK, Pa.– You may think Barbershop Quartets are a thing of the past, but ‘Sum of Each’ shows they are alive and well in Central Pennsylvania. ‘Sum of Each’ performs music inspired by artists such as...

Sum of Each at BHS International Prelims

Sum of Each at BHS International Prelims Sum of Each made a bit of history recently on the Barbershop Harmony Society stage. Although it might have been an unlucky day for the superstitious among us, Friday the 13th of March 2015 was a big day for our quartet. For on...

Barbershop Christmas at the Ware Center

Barbershop Christmas at the Ware Center Sum of Each was one of seven quartets that performed with The Red Rose Chorus and the Red Rose City Chorus to produce a sold-out SRO performance of A Barbershop Christmas at the Ware Center on Saturday, December 20th. The ladies...